@lilhousecleaner Spring Tips

@lilhousecleaner is continuing our Spring cleaning series with their amazing tips and tricks to make that cleaning a little bit easier.



When I think of spring cleaning the first thought that pops into my mind is Declutter!! By simply tackling a cluttered corner in your home can make you feel so much better even with your mental health.


Setting a timer and giving yourself 20 minutes to declutter that corner will make going into spring so much better.


This brings me to organisation! Systemising your house will help so much with everyday life and keeping a clean and tidy home. From tidying your bed linen cupboard, as I know mine needs doing after winter where I’ve pulled sets out and not put them away properly, to the cupboard under the kitchen sink as cleaning products just get thrown back under without care. One thing to remember, little and often. Don’t overdo it, just take your time.


This is a big one for me going into my spring clean! Starting from the top of the house and working my way down wiping all the skirting boards, doors, door frames and banisters is essential. When the sun starts to shine through the windows and cracks of the doors the last thing you want to see is dust!


After a cold and wet winter, your windows need a good old clean. With dirt from the rain, our windows get quite filthy and cleaning them on the outside along with the inside will let the sunshine in and make your house shine bright.
